Moving Words / Antman

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 “It would be no exaggeration to say that the stunning documentary and reportage photography … incorporating Antman’s unique ‘take’ on our PLR world, revolutionised our published output and had an immediate impact in promoting the PLR Scheme in all the right areas. Our publications received plaudits across the sectors in which we operate and it was great for us … to be seen to be punching above our weight by virtue of the impact of Antman’s unique photographic style.”

Dr. Jim Parker, O.B.E., Registrar, PLR

This particular story followed the route of a library bus in the South Hams and visited the homes and workplaces of the people it served.

The decision to use documentary photography was taken very early in the relationship. Over the years we have undertaken a number of commissions that describe the reach of the written word, and the lives of both its consumer and begetter.

Public Lending Right (PLR) is the legal right that authors have to receive a payment when their books are borrowed from public libraries. It is administered by the government-funded PLR office, an essential part of whose work is publicising PLR so that (a) authors learn of PLR’s existence and know to apply; and (b) government decision makers get the message about the importance of PLR payments for authors’ livelihoods and creativity.


About Antman

With an established background in graphic design, BBC Television, art direction and project management, Alex and Sara have worked together since 1999 when they formed Antman Graphic Design and Art Direction. They have directed and produced documentary shoots in corporate, private and public environments with individual or multiple subjects in locations ranging from HMP Nottingham to the Palace of Westminster.

(To read more about Antman, see Who we are)

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