Washing Lines / Jill Mead

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Jill’s project- whimsical, yes, of national importance, no.

All over the world people find places to hang washing and use the sun’s energy for the essential yet mundane task of drying clothes. And sometimes this creates a billowing beauty in, often, the most unlikely and unattractive places.

The fresh faced smile and honesty of a line of washing creates a desire to climb up a building, scale a garden wall or hike across a valley to chat with the washerwoman/man.

A long lens and a lot of cheek can help… Maybe, the ‘empty’ plinth in Trafalgar Square should have a washing line on it?


About Jill

Jill’s love of photography blossomed from early expeditions with her family, taking pictures of abandoned farms on the North York Moors. She now feels incomplete without a camera and is fascinated by pretty much everything

"Everyone has a story to tell. I am not sure how it happens but when I ask the un-askable questions people open up. Whether I am working with a shy child or the most volatile chef on earth. The more trust you build, the more authentic the outcome.

Working with Antman back-up comes with many advantages: chief amongst them simply being able to concentrate on my job. The ratio of successful shots is testament to this.”

(To read more about Jill Mead, see Who we are)

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