Who’s Afraid? / Christian Sinibaldi

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Fear has always accompanied the human soul. Perhaps the strongest among all the deep-rooted fears is that of the unknown. And for migrants this must only be exacerbated.

A white cloth and a stool; an itinerant set in the multi-ethnic neighbourhood of Esquilino, in Rome. From the arcades of Piazza Vittorio, to the lively local market, in search of faces willing to put on stage their desire to laugh. And through laughter recall fragments of happiness, memories able to give breath to the soul.  

 The intent is to move away from alarmist and painful representations, a constant part in stories of immigration, and to cross hot and sensitive issues such as illegality, crime and exploitation, to reach the normality in the life of immigrants, a lively and complex universe unknown to most. This tale speaks of metropolitan integration and multiculturalism, and the key to its language is the smile, or the laugh – born from the desire to exorcise fears and dent clichés. 


About Christian

Winner of the 2014 IPA One Shot:One World Competition Christian has found critical and commercial success in the thirteen years since basing himself in London. Regular trips to Italy suggest his countrymen realise they’ve lost a talent to the UK.

"Photography, for me, is about different points of view. The vanishing point and depth of field in a picture is related to your feelings and the message that you’re trying to communicate. The subject is just the initial mask.  Photographs are built on levels of meaning. Photography is a strong medium... a vision that can speak."

(To read more about Christian Sinibaldi, see Who we are)

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